How it all began
DERBLAUE®: The story
Marvin's heating system needed to be replaced. The water was drained using a covering fleece and a cut-off bucket.
After a short time, the bucket was full and had to be emptied. This was repeated several times. Despite the greatest care, the water also got onto the pipes and the beautiful wooden floor. After a good 30 minutes of emptying the water, Marvin wondered whether this was standard practice. He asked his friend and heating engineer Philipp and could not believe that an entire professional group has been using such "old-fashioned" methods for many years, and especially in this day and age. Philipp confirms this, and the thought has stuck with Marvin.
Marvin is a trained industrial engineer specialising in mechanical engineering and has been an inventive spirit since childhood. He spends countless hours looking for the perfect solution. A prototype of a tub is created, which Philipp tests and never gives up. What's more, he said to Marvin:
“Every heating engineer needs this!”
A pump with a battery was developed and DERBLAUE® was born.
a brilliant idea
two founders
The best product is of no use to anyone if no one knows about it.
That's why Marvin contacted his old friend Michi, whom he knows from the Kempten founder's villa and from mountain biking.
In addition to working as a sales consultant in the field for a renowned paint manufacturer, he worked as a coach and trainer.
As a trained master painter, paint and varnish technician, with experience in core renovations and a great personal interest in business development, marketing and entrepreneurship, he was the right partner for this demanding project.
The enthusiasm was initially overshadowed by concerns about whether it really made sense to put so much energy into this project.
Michi presented the idea for DERBLAUE® to his friends and the reaction was always the same: “Why isn’t there something so brilliant yet?”
Encouraged by the good feedback, both of them from then on pursued the plan to obtain opinions from other craftsmen in order to pursue the right project with the BLUE.
The toughest test at the ISh
A mobile exhibition stand was set up using a handcart and a cut-off radiator and pulled through the halls. The response was huge. The representatives of the major brands present were enthusiastic, contact details were exchanged and one thing was clear:
DERBLAUE® inspires everyone!
Spurred on by the success at the trade fair, DERBLAUE® was made available to 20 companies for testing. With overwhelming success:
100% of the test companies were 100% satisfied!!!
The market launch of DERBLAUE® was completed with the pre-sale of the first dealer in May 2020, and further partners were added in the course of 2020.
Die Erfolgsstory geht weiter
Ein starkes Team
Vier Jahre später ist aus einer Idee und zwei Gründern ein 13-köpfiges Team geworden. Wir haben Lager- und Büroräume in Sonthofen im Allgäu bezogen und entwickeln professionelle Flüssigkeits-Auffangsysteme, die die Arbeit mit Flüssigkeiten revolutionieren. Weitere Produkte, viele Branchen und neue Märkte kamen hinzu und die Nachfrage wächst stetig weiter. DERBLAUE® ist bereits in über 20 Ländern erhältlich.
Wir freuen uns auf alles, was noch vor uns liegt und sind uns sicher: DERBLAUE® ist die perfekte Lösung für alle, die mit Flüssigkeiten arbeiten.